Stamford Designer's week

The Road to Top Designer

Meet Mr. Kunakorn Nongnut : Senior Student  – Creative Media Design

CMD Stamford

Why the Stamford Creative Media Design program?

The reason for choosing to study Creative Media Design at Stamford International University is that we are in the digital age and at Stamford the program covers both print media, multimedia, video production and three-dimensional work. We have also learned both web design and media design to enhance our work.

Not only a degree and a certificate

This program is designed and taught in collaboration with Media Design School (MDS), an award-winning digital design institute in New Zealand. So when we graduate, we get a degree from Stamford International University and receive a Diploma from Media Design School (MDS) in New Zealand. We also have the opportunity to work with MDS in New Zealand, join workshops, visit and work with leading companies in Thailand, Australia, Japan and the UK.

Not only classroom learning 

The teachers here are good advisors. They push students to participate in contests. If there are any questions, we can ask the teacher. At Stamford International University there are a lot of international students and the international environment improves my communication and language skills. I have many international friends.  The learning facilities are also great and convenient. I really enjoyed a subject called Motion Graphic which is like moving pictures. There are illustrator programs embedded, which help to make our work more interesting.

One contest I’m proud of was the SODA SINGHA THE NEW MIX LIMITED EDITION project. I was one of the 6 winners of the Singha Soda Bottle Design. Singha Soda has been a popular drink for a long time. It is an essential part of lots of celebrations whether it is a party, a wedding, a birthday, or many other occasions and this was the concept of the design. The winning designs were used on the SODA SINGHA THE NEW MIX LIMITED bottles and sold throughout Thailand.

Share your experiences in design inspiration.

I find the inspiration to design all around us. For example on my phone I was inspired by Facebook and also seeing artwork at art exhibitions. These are my collected inspirations for work.

Any words for those who want to study Creative Media Design?

For those who want to study CMD, you must be someone who really likes design. There is no need to have basic knowledge because at Stamford you will learn gradually. However, you must be good at using a computer because most of the work must be done by computer.


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