“Meet the Ambassador” Event with H.E. Mr. Park Yongmin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Thailand, Highlights Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, Stamford International University’s Rama 9 Campus in Bangkok hosted its fourth “Meet the Ambassador” event, with H.E. Mr. Park Yongmin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Thailand, as the distinguished guest speaker. This event is part of Stamford’s ongoing initiative to expose lecturers, staff, students, and alumni to the rich cultures, languages, and societies of Thailand and other countries.

In the first session, Ambassador Park engaged with Korean students at Stamford, fostering a deeper connection with the Korean community at the university. He then delivered a keynote address titled “Soft Power: Enhancing Cultural Diplomacy in the Modern World,” where he discussed the Republic of Korea’s exceptional achievements in leveraging soft power to promote its culture on the global stage. His insights provided attendees with a deeper understanding of cultural diplomacy and its significance in today’s interconnected world.

The event attracted approximately 80 to 95 participants, including Stamford management, lecturers, and current students, all of whom benefited from the Ambassador’s extensive knowledge and experience. Stamford International University extends its sincere gratitude to H.E. Mr. Park Yongmin and members of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea for their support and for sharing their invaluable perspectives with the Stamford community.