Be part of our international community and get ready for your professional career!

Stamford International University follows an American curriculum with an international credit system. The University offers Bachelor’s degrees in programs including: business and management, communication arts and design, hospitality management and information technology.

 Stamford is devoted to promoting cultural understanding and academic excellence. The programs encourage critical and creative thinking and use a variety of pedagogical methodologies in the classrooms to ensure the classes are truly student-centered and focused on outcomes.
Stamford is the first university in Thailand to receive International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) accreditation of the business and management programs offered through its Faculty of Business and Technology.

Mission & Vision

Faculty of Business & Technology

The Faculty of Business & Technology will endeavor to facilitate business-related knowledge through research, innovative programs, inspirational pedagogies and a wide span of industry collaboration to promote sustainable business practices and to contribute to a stronger and just community.

The Faculty of Business & Technology is committed to educating and developing future leaders of enterprises who understand the mechanisms of economics, technology and business, and at the same time, embracing the individual and cultural differences, creating a positive impact on society.

Faculty of Communication Arts & Design

The  Faculty of Communication Arts & Design offers an International, Innovative, Industry Engaged model of higher education teaching and research underpinned by our commitment to integrity and Student-Centered education and development. We embed each of the elements of our 4Is model in all we do as we prepare our graduates to be work-ready, life-long and life-wide learners, who excel in their career and life and who demonstrate deep and active commitment to local and global citizenship.

The  Faculty of Communication Arts & Design is committed to develop well-rounded graduates with professional skills, moral, professional ethics, and English competency in the field of Communication Arts, Design, and English, who are capable to adapt to a changing and diverse environment and technology.  

Our Programs

Airline Business Management

International Track / Bilingual Track

International Business Management

International Track / Bilingual Track

International Hotel Management

International Track / Bilingual Track


International Track / Bilingual Track


International Track / Bilingual Track

Finance and Banking

International Track / Bilingual Track

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

International Track / Bilingual Track

International Relations

International Track / Bilingual Track

Information Technology

International Track / Bilingual Track

Creative Media Production and Entertainment

International Track / Bilingual Track

Advertising and Digital Marketing Communication

International Track / Bilingual Track

Creative Media Design

International Track / Bilingual Track

English for Applied Global Communication

International Track / Bilingual Track

Diverse International Community

40% of the students are foreign, representing over 100 different countries.

International Perspectives

The majority of the faculty are international from around the world.

Partnership with international universities

Connecting with universities from all over the world allows for an even wider range of quality programs.

480-hours Internship Program

Gain real world-experience and prepare for the world of work.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Through dual degree options or Student Exchange Program.

IACBE Accreditation

The first university in Thailand to receive the US-based IACBE accreditation for business and management programs.

Dual Degree Options

With a dual degree option, students can opt to study abroad at our partner universities and receive two degrees on graduation. Our dual degree options include:

International Business Management
Kendall College at National Louis University, USA and University of Northampton, UK

Lubin School of Business at Pace University, USA

International Relations
EU Business School, Spain and Switzerland

Airline Business Management
Vaughn College, USA

Finance & BankingLogistics and Supply Chain Management
University of Northampton, UK

Finance & Banking 
University of the West of England, UK

Creative Media Production and Entertainment
Richmond, The American International University in London, UK

Advertising and Digital Marketing Communication
Richmond, The American International University in London, UK

International Hotel Management | Information Technology
Middlesex University London, UK

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Stamford International University

Stamford International University
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