Stamford International University Announcement STIU22‐001/2023 Precautionary Covid‐19 Measures for University Operation – Term 3 (2022)
Due to the easing Covid‐19 restriction announced by the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI) with the permission for higher educational institutions to arrange teaching and learning/activities/events through onsite mode, the University has decided to allow fully onsite teaching and learning/activities for Term 3 (2022). In order to provide a high level of continuity and quality of education for all students while ensuring the safety and health of our community, the University has therefore announced the following measures:
- Starting from Term 3 (2022), the teaching and learning modes of fully onsite shall be utilized.
- The university premises at Rama 9 and Huahin Campuses and Asoke Learning Center shall be permitted for organizing university‐related curricular and/or co‐curricular events/activities where all participants shall strictly follow the measures announced by governmental bodies and/or the University.
- Travelling to Thailand is now free of all restrictions and travel requirements.
- As part of our ongoing response to the pandemic, to minimize the risk of COVID‐19 to our community, all students, faculty members and staff who participate in onsite teaching and learning/activities on campus shall strictly follow the COVID‐19 measures such as vaccination and a Covid 19 test requirement announced by the University.
- All students, faculty, and staff shall comply strictly with measures announced by the Government and/or the University in order to prevent the spread of Covid‐19. Such measures include mask‐wearing, regular hand washing, social distancing, avoiding traveling to high‐risk areas of Covid‐19 infection, as well as following procedures for entering or leaving buildings and other areas.
- Should students, faculty members, and staff have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the following departments:
- For students: Student Service Center: studentconnect@stamford.edu
- For faculty and staff: Human Resources: hr@stamford.edu
As the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our top priority, the University will closely monitor the situation and adhere to the measures and guidelines imposed by Thai Governmental sectors for any adjusted measures in due course and will keep you updated. Please stay safe and healthy.
Announced on January 3rd, 2023
Office of the University Administration (OUA)